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Serving the Washington DC area since 2003

Exercise is hard work, but personal training is working out smart!

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What are the 5 components of fitness so I can be more specific with my fitness goals?

(1) BODY COMPOSITION- Measurement of Body Fat. Determining your body composition involves differentiating between how much of your total weight comes from body fat as opposed to lean body weight.

(2) FLEXIBILITY-  Range of Motion at a Joint.  Ability to move a joint through its complete Range of Motion (ROM).  Tight muscles can cause limitation in flexibility which can cause joint injury when attempting to move structures of a joint beyond the limited  range of motion.

(3) Muscular Endurance-  Ability to do Certain Movement Repeatedly.  Ability of a muscle group to perform repeated work (contractions) over a period of time sufficient to cause fatigue.  It is also designed as your muscle’s ability to maintain work at a specific percentage of its overall strength  for a prolonged period of time.

(4) Muscular Strength- How much you can lift 1 time. Muscle Strength is the muscles ability to lift a load at one time only.

(5) Cardiovascular Endurance:  Ability of heart & lungs to provide the body with oxygen. Cardiovascular Endurance is also referred as Aerobic Fitness.  It is defined as the coordinated ability of the pulmonary system (lungs), cardiovascular system (heart & blood vessels), and the metabolic pathways within the muscular system to take in, deliver, and utilize oxygen.  The more oxygen you can take in, deliver and utilize by exercising muscles, the more aerobically fit you are.

What do I have to consider when making my fitness goals?

Be specific-  relate goals to the 5 components of fitness (see above)

Be measurable-  Body fat measurement, tape measure, strength test, “clothing test”, pictures

Have a timetable

Be realistic

What is the government minimum guideline for exercise?

According to government guidelines, adults should get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise each week. Or a minimum 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five days a week.

What is a pulse?

Pulse is a number of times your heart beats in a minute- how hard are you working.  Average, healthy resting pulse is 60-80 BPM.  Athletic is lower 60.

What is a maximum heart rate?

Max Heart Rate = 220-Age

Target Heart Rate: 220-Age x Max.Heart Rate Range (%)*

*Max Heart Rate Range is 60%-85% of MHR.  

What is Calorie?

Calorie refers to the amount of energy in food or expended in physical activity. A measurement of energy.  

Protein= 4 calories/gram            

Carbs= 4 calories/gram                     

Fat= 9 calories/gram                         

Alcohol= 7 calories/gram   

Why do we need to eat protein?

Protein’s main function is to build muscle tissue.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the sum total of all chemical processes in the body.  The amount of calories burned each day.

What is Body Fat unhealthy range?

Body Fat is the amount of fat on your body. Body Fat Unhealthy Range:

Men > 22%    Men < 2-3%

Women > 35 %    Women > 15%

How much calories do I have the decrease if I want to lose 1 lb.to 2 lbs a week?

½ lb =  -250 cal/day

1 lb  =  -500 cal/day

1 ½  lbs  =   -750 cal/day

 2 lbs =  -1000 cal/day

Do not go below 1200 cal/day.

What is Glycemic Index?

 Glycemic Index tries to rate how fast the food is absorbed.

         High: Burst-Fast

         Low: Slow-Longer

Is cardio exercise better than weight training?

Cardio exercise burns calories only while you do it while weight training can keep your metabolism elevated for 48 hours after you finished lifting.  A good cardiovascular endurance can significantly improve your weight training session.

What is HDL and LDL?

High Density Lipoprotein (HDL): The Good Cholesterol.  Transports fat & cholesterol out of the cells-  “Withdrawer”

Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL):  The Bad Cholesterol.  Transports fat & cholesterol to the cells- “Depositor”

Why do we need a fiber?

Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate found in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and dried beans. You need fiber in your diet to ensure intestinal health and also to help control blood glucose and cholesterol.

Fiber: RDA Recommendation for Fiber:  25-40 grams/day

What is the recommended salt intake?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium to less than 2,300 mg a day- or 1,500 mg if you're age 51 or older.

What is our alcohol intake limit?

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men. This definition is referring to the amount consumed on any single day and is not intended as an average over several days.

What is Nutrition Facts Label?

The information in the main or top section (see #1-4 and #6 on the sample nutrition label below), can vary with each food product; it contains product-specific information (serving size, calories, and nutrient information). The bottom part (see #5 on the sample label below) contains a footnote with Daily Values (DVs) for 2,000 and 2,500 calorie diets. This footnote provides recommended dietary information for important nutrients, including fats, sodium and fiber. The footnote is found only on larger packages and does not change from product to product.

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Follow these steps to join our personal fitness training program:

Note: For returning or current clients, please click here to buy or renew a personal training package. Send an e-mail or click here to schedule your training appointment.

Complete our electronic fillable enrollment forms:

  1. Personal Fitness Information Form
  2. Waiver/Release Form

Click here and select type of package training, and then submit payment by clicking “Buy Now”

Click here to schedule your first appointment. In your message, please indicate payment date.  You may also e-mail us at        benchgym@aol.com to schedule an appointment

We will send a confirmation e-mail about your request or questions

Bring the enrolment forms and payment record to our facility during your first session

Contact the manager, Jon Ponce, if you have any questions or concern.

If you want to know more about us or before your first training session, please feel free to schedule a consultation session by sending us an e-mail at benchgym@aol.com